Scout Lodge Donation

To try our new web site, click here.

Instructions to download the calendar

Color code: Green-Troop Activities, Blue-US Holidays, Red-Adult Activities/Training, Yellow-School Related, Orange-Order of the Arrow Event

Camping photos

Friends of 1776, Inc
Building a Scout Lodge for BSA Troop 1776, Scout Pack 1776, Crew and the Girl Scouts of our community

Merit Badge

Troop 1776 Merit Badge Day
The Merit Badge University at Kennesaw State University

Troop 1776 Eagle Scouts


Troop Leadership:
Tom Morin, Scoutmaster 770-633-9409 tommorin1776@gmail.com
Steve Harrison, Committe Chair 770-594-0073 Eagle70@bellsouth.net
Ed Rousselot, Charter Representative 770‑998‑4760 edr12@bellsouth.net

For visitation contact the Scoutmaster two weeks in advance

   Published Since April 25, 2004