Ed Rousselot
Troop 1776 Chartered Organization Representative
I am the Chartered Organization Representative (COR) for Troop 1776. The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) makes its program available to a local organization whose aims and purposes are in harmony with those of Scouting. The BSA issues a �charter� to that organization. In our case that is Council 8376 of the Knights of Columbus here at St. Ann�s. Very simply put, my job is to be a liaison between the Knights, St. Ann�s, Atlanta Area Council, Foothills District and Troop 1776.
I�ve been a Scout or a Scouter in at least part of the �50s, 60�s, 70�s, 80�s, 90�s and now the �oughts�. I�ve been with Troop 1776 since 1988, when I became an Assistant Scoutmaster. Along with being the Chartered Organization Representative, I have become the Troop�s �institutional memory�. I have been part of the Troop through seven Scoutmasters as it has grown from eight boys to its present size.
I love backpacking. I�ve been to Philmont three times, backpacked the Grand Canyon rim to rim and have been on a lot of the trails in Georgia and surrounding areas. At one time in the Troop, I was �the backpacking guy�. While I still enjoy backpacking, that role has been taken over by other leaders.
I think that I am known now as the Troop�s �the religion guy�. Troop 1776 continues to be recognized as arguably the best Troop in the area. An important part of this is an emphasis on �Duty to God� and the 12th point of the Scout Law � A Scout is reverent. In this role, I help teach scouts who are working on their Catholic religious emblem, the Ad Altare Dei medal as well as facilitate non-Catholic scouts who want to earn their religion�s emblem. I am a trained Emblems Counselor for the Catholic religious award programs.
I am currently serving as Chairman of the Atlanta Archdiocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting. I am a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus. I have been active in the Life Teen program at St. Ann�s since the program�s inception, mostly on the Kitchen Crew.
I am Wood Badge Trained as a Bear in Course 92-38. My career as a Scout was interrupted when my family moved to the Ozarks so I only attained the rank of Star. My son Robbie is an Eagle Scout from Troop 1776.