Scoutmaster Frank Pazdzinski
1995 - 1998
A scoutmaster�s job is both hard work and a lot of fun. But the most rewarding part of the job is to see an 11 year old young man cross over from Cub Scouts, join your Troop, then watch him mature into a young adult. I am thankful to have had that opportunity at Troop 1776. You see a young 11 year old clinging to his parents� hand at the beginning, then you gradually see him learning how to cook, build a wilderness shelter, practice first aid, then eventually teaching other Scouts the skills that he learned. Finally you see that same young boy preparing an Eagle project, carrying it out, then planning his Eagle award ceremony. Whether the Scout reaches the highest level or not, a Scoutmaster can only think that he has taught the Scout Oath and Law and contributed to the development of a personal code of conduct and ethics that will carry into the Scout�s adult life. These Scouts will be better equipped to meet the challenges which America faces today.
It has been 6 years since I retired as Scoutmaster. I have seen 13 Boys reach the rank of Eagle Scout during that time. Another 15 of �my Scouts� have become Eagle since I left. Now I am attending college graduation parties for �my Scouts� and watching them going into the military, the business world, or even some on to graduate school. What more could a Scoutmaster ask for?
Good luck to all the past and present members of Troop 1776 and thank you for the personal experience ! ! ! ! !
Frank Pazdzinski -May 2, 2004
Good Bye from Scoutmaster Frank Pazdzinski