CONTACT: TOM MORIN, Tel: 770-633-9409
On March 30, 2009, the Georgia State Senate and the House of Representatives honored David Cano for his Scouting achievements. David, age 17, of Boy Scout Troop 1776, Marietta, Georgia, is making Boy Scout history. Even though the odds were against David, his resolve was not dampened during the first or final stages of earning all 121 Boy Scout merit badges, which was a feat by itself; but David was able to earn an additional 20 Eagle Palms, becoming one of only very few Scouts to do so in the United States.
Since joining the Boy Scouts at the age of 10, David has remained focused on one goal - to earn all available merit badges. Just prior to earning his Eagle Scout rank, in 2004, the goal driven young man set his aim even higher. He was determined to earn all 20 Eagle Palms.
The Eagle Rank is the Boy Scouts’ highest award and only approximately 5 percent of all registered Boy Scouts ever achieve it. To accomplish this prestigious award, David had to earn 21 merit badges, serve as a leader in his troop, and complete a major community service project, fulfilling nearly 462 requirements. In 2004, David’s Eagle service project gave him the opportunity to lead 47 boys and adults in building an outside classroom on the grounds of Queen of Angels Catholic School, in Roswell, Georgia. The project took 491 man-hours to complete and it is still in full service today.
Each year, a very small number of Scouts in the United States earn all 121 available merit badges – 100 more than needed for the Eagle Rank. It is a remarkable display of determination, courage, and achievement for these young men. What makes David’s Scouting experience unique is not only the fact that he did just that, but that he fulfilled the 1,674 additional requirements to get 20 Eagle Palms, the last one of which will be awarded to him on May 16, 2009.
In order to earn an Eagle Palm, a Boy Scout must be active in his troop for at least 3 months, demonstrate Scout spirit, demonstrate leadership ability, earn five additional merit badges beyond those required for Eagle Scout rank or last Palm, take part in a Scoutmaster conference, and complete a committee board of review. David did that twenty times in a quest that lasted over seven years to complete.
David, who's dream is to become a medical doctor, may possibly be the first Eagle Scout to achieve such a record in the state of Georgia and one of only three Scouts in the United States.
David’s Scouting experience took him to unique places in Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Mexico, Idaho, Montana, Virginia, Washington D.C. and Georgia. He visited the Huntsville and Orlando Space Centers, the Georgia Governor’s office, the CNN anchor desk and many other exciting destinations. He bicycled 150 miles, hiked 158 miles, camped 126 nights and had the opportunity to meet many wonderful professionals, who were his merit badge counselors. He also traveled to the National High Adventure Sea Base in the Florida Keys, the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, the National Jamboree in 2005, and to Yellowstone National Park in 2008.
David is a member of the Atlanta Area Council Boy Scout Troop 1776, chartered to Saint Ann’s Catholic Church, for seven years. He has served his troop as Librarian, Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, Instructor, Scribe, Chaplain’s Aide, Order of the Arrow Representative, Quartermaster, Den Chief, Historian, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Bugler, Senior Patrol Leader, and Junior Assistant Scoutmaster. In addition to serving his Troop in these leadership positions, David was an Altar Server and is also a member of Model United Nations, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools, his high school football team, high school band, and high school soccer team. He has earned the World Conservation Award, Kayaking Award, Leave No Trace Award, Snorkeling Badge, and the Ad Altare Dei Award. David has received District Junior Leader Training, Greenbar Training, and Junior Leader Training. He has also performed several roles as a cast member of the Roswell Dance Theatre’s Nutcracker production for six years.
David is a junior at Blessed Trinity Catholic High School. He is currently a website developer having created more than seventy websites for small businesses. He is the son of Rodrigo and Rosa Cano and brother of Steve Cano, also an accomplished Eagle Scout.
In addition, to the recognition by the Georgia State Senate and the House of Representatives, David will be honored at a special Court of Honor ceremony at the Atlanta Area Council’s Volunteer Service Center, on Sunday, April 19, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend. For more information on Scouting, visit