������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� May 7, 2000

Steve Cano�s Eagle Project Proposal


Describe the project you plan to do.


��������� The project I plan to do consist of replacing of an old sign, the emplacement of steps in front of a praying area, and the improving of surrounding landscape. The sign that needs to be replaced is a wooden sign that was installed and constructed more than ten years ago.The sign has decayed over the years.The sign was constructed with non-water proof materials.The sign stands right in front of a church and indicates the schedule of masses and other vigil services.The steps that will be built are for a praying area next to the sign.


Sign to replace 1


My project will be of benefit to �


My project will benefit the Catholic Church of St. Ann in Marietta, GA.This sign will allow all visitors of St. Ann to know about the schedules of all mass services.

The new steps will provide a path for individuals to access praying area.


Plan your work by describing the present condition, the method to be used, and a time schedule for carrying out the project.Describe any safety hazards you might face, and explain how you will ensure the safety of those carrying out the project.


Present Condition:


As explained before, the sign needs to be replaced because it is badly rotting (see pictures 2,3 bellow).This sign was made by another Eagle Scout over ten years ago from non-weatherproof materials and will continue to decay and eventually fall over.The praying area was just created and needs access steps.



Sign to replace 2


Sign to replace 3





Various groups and individuals will make donations to help buy materials needed for the project.For instance, the manager of the Lummus Supply Co. in Alpharetta had offered to donate some materials, and the St. Ann garden club has also offer to donate some materials.As soon as this project is approved for execution, I will solicit other companies for additional materials.I have already allocated all the tools needed for the construction.










Materials List:


When buying the materials need for the construction, I will organize a few scouts to accompany me to review my plan.Then, we will go to pick up all materials needed.


Description�������������������������������������� Cost EA���� Qty������������ Total

2x6 pressure treated board����������������� 8.00������������ 6���������������� $ 48.00

2x4 pressure treated board����������������� 5.00������������ 2���������������� $ 10.00

8x4 pressure treated board����������������� 35.00���������� 1���������������� $ 35.00

Gallon of paint���������������������������������� 28.00���������� 1���������������� $ 28.00

Paint brushes������������������������������������� 15.00���������� 3���������������� $ 45.00

Screws(box)����������������������������������� 12.00���������� 1���������������� $ 12.00

Nails�� (box)������������������������������������ 7.00������������ 1���������������� $ 7.00

Rebar������������������������������������������������ 2.00������������ 10��������������� $ 20.00

Railroad ties�������������������������������������� 22��������������� 5���������������� $ 110.00�����

Concrete bags����������������������������������� 3.00������������ 4���������������� $ 12.00

Plants������������������������������������������������ 12��������������� 12��������������� $ 144.00

Mulch����������������������������������������������� 8.00������������ 10��������������� $ 80.00

Food and drinks�������������������������������� 5���������������� 20��������������� $ 100.00

Grand Total����������������������������������������������������������������������������� $ 651.00





I will organize the project to occur in stages.The first stage will be the making of the new sign.The sign will be assembled at my house.Before the assembly of the sign, I will gather all the scouts and instruct them on what we need to accomplish.During the gathering, I will coordinate the scouts to construct the sign.First, I will ask three scouts and one adult to cut most of the wood for the frame and backboard.Then, I will ask three other scouts and an adult to use the cut boards to start assembling the frame.Once we finish cutting the boards, the scouts can continue making the backboard.When the frame and the backboard material is assembled, we will start painting it.This stage will take approximately seven hours.Before the next stage, I will ask three boy scouts to help move the new sign from my house to the church grounds.This process will occur the day before the next stage.


The second stage will be to remove the original sign from its current location.Once at the church, I will gather all the scouts and give them assignments.First, I will assemble a group of about five scouts to clear the grounds so that the old sign can be removed.All plants around the structure will have to be replaced or moved.Then, another group of scouts will get shovels and start digging up the current sign.Another group of scouts will go to another area of the church, and they will landscape it. The activity requires pulling weeds, cleaning, putting down mulch, and edging (this process will take the whole entire day).I will supervise all the activities that will take place in this stage as well.This stage takes approximately eight hours.


Landscaping 1


Landscaping 2

Landscaping 3

The third stage will be the placement of the new sign, and the emplacement of the steps.We will start by digging new holes for the sign.Then, the new sign will be carried to its new location.Scouts will fill the holes with concrete and secure the sign.Scouts will put plants back into their original location around the sign; additional plants and scrubs will be planted.When the scouts finish their objective, they will go to the area next to the sign and will make the steps. The steps will give access to the praying area from the parking lot. The steps will be made using railroad ties and rebar.The last finishing touch will be made with two or three scouts spreading mulch.This stage will take approximately six hours.


Steps Site To Access Praying Area 1













Estimated Projected Hours:


Activity�������������������������� Individual hours ��� Peer hours�� Adult hours

Planning���������������������������������� 30

Gather materials����������������������� 8�������������������������� 12��������������� 6

Working Stage #1�������������������� 7�������������������������� 42��������������� 14

Working Stage #2�������������������� 8�������������������������� 80��������������� 32

Working Stage #3�������������������� 6�������������������������� 60��������������� 24

Project conclusion������������������� 6

����������������������������������������������� 65������������������������ 194������������� 76


Safety Hazards


Lastly, Safety will be of utmost importance.I am concerned with transportation, power tools, and general safety.I will make sure parents and adults will transport scouts to the work site.I will make sure that adults will monitor for proper safety and use of tools during the working of this project.Additionally, I will make available our troop�s First Aid Kit.I believe my project will be fun, safe, and exiting.




My address:


Steve Cano


xxx, GA xxxx

Tel xxxxxxxxx

Cell xxxxxxxx