History of Troop 1776 Emblem
The Troop was looking for a creative design for its� emblem. The
idea was to have an emblem that stated:
Who we are
Where we from
Where we were headed.
The Troop wanted this to be a Scout led effort and asked all
Scouts to submit their ideas to a Troop Committee:
Scoutmaster: Chet Popkowski
Adult Advisor: Rick Watson
Senior Scout Advisors: Dan Gerlaugh; Will Harrell and Adam
The Scouts whose design was selected were: Rick Watson; Andy
Market and Eric Popkowski

Story Behind the Emblem:
- First the Scouts wanted to let everybody know that we
were from the great State of Georgia. Hence we started with the black
outline of the state.
- All the Scouts who participated on this quest set
their personal goal on being and Eagle Scout. We came up with a bald eagle
to be a constant reminder of the Scouts personal goal and we wanted its�
talons extended to hold an important message. You will also note the eye of
the eagle is centered over the location of St Ann�s. Hence with the State
and the eagles� eye overlooking St Ann�s everybody would know where we
were from. In addition, with the eagle as our symbol every body knew where
we were going.
- The Troop numbers 1776 were difficult at first to
obtain especially during this country�s bicentennial. We believe that some
good intentioned folks forgot about the spirit that made this country
great. However our founding Scouts persevered and got special permission to
have the troop numbers as 1776. To celebrate this accomplishment and to
remind everybody to never stop catching the Spirit of 1776 the troop adopted
the saying of �Catch the Spirit�. Hence the saying on the red scroll.
However our designers also wanted to remind all that there was a higher
spirit to catch and that was the spirit of God. The cross was added as a
reminder to not only due your duty to your country but also to God.
- There are thirteen stars surroundings the eagle. The
stars represented the original 13 States that signed the Declaration of
Independence. Twelve are gold and one is red. The red star was to
represent Georgia and its place in the order of the signing of the
Declaration of Independence.
- Lastly, we added our name in script. The script was
chosen over block lettering to represent the free flowing ever-changing
nature of our Troop. In accordance with Boy Scouts of America policy, we
added BSA to our logo to be legitimately identified as a Boy Scout Troop.
- Putting it all together we have the following:
- We are troop 1776
- We are from Marietta Georgia
- We are proud of our patriotic heritage
- We honor our duties as found in the Scout Oath and
- God as this is in the Cross next to our Spirit
- Country as this is represented in the Sprit of
1776, the Eagle and the 13 stars.
- Others as we encourage them to Catch the
- Self as this is represented in the goal of
- The twelve gold stars would signify the 12
Points of the Scout Law.